About three weeks ago I had a friend request on facebook, nothing strange about that you might think, but the note attached read your cute. Well naturally compliments get my attention, so I checked out his profile. Nothing strange he was an average type of 36 year guy. The strange thing was we didn't have any mutual friends.
I don't know why I did press the reject button but I decided to accept, but in my response message I returned the complement and asked if he was gay - he looked laddish in his pictures so I thought I better check.
A couple of days later he responded with full stats including height and 'dashing blue eyes'. Over that week we chatted on facebook and I got a sense that he was ok and made the bold move of asking if he fancied meeting up for dinner?
He accepted and this Wednesday we met in Archway in North London as we'd planned to go to the gastro pub, St John's. I was on time as usual and he was 15 minutes late, not off to a good start in my books. After the first glass of wine I broached the white elephant in the room and stated that this was so weird as I've never met anyone I didn't already know from facebook let alone go on a date. I asked why and how he'd found my profile and decided to befriend me. He couldn't remember. So far he wasn't racking up the positive points.
As the conversation started to dry I decided to talk about what I know, me and started telling why I came to London 14 years ago. It was to do my degree in fashion communication (PR and marketing). I then went on to say I only managed a year in the fashion arena once I graduated. I then went on to talk about the horrible agency I worked for and how I found it two faced. He then told me he also used to work in fashion PR. We soon found out we worked for the same agency, then after further questioning and checking dates it turns out he was the guy who replaced me when I left - Coincidence number 1!
I then started talking about my current job, he interjects and tells me he has a close friend who works in the same field. It only turns out his friend is one of the new company directors - Coincidence number 2!
After this I move onto family life and tell him about my baby sister being in a car accident three years ago when she was 13. How she was in a coma for three months and now has Acquired Brain Injury or ABI as its known. He then tells me he was run over by a truck three years ago and also has a mild form of ABI - Coincidence number 3!
It also turns out our birthday while a year apart fall within a week of each other - Semi Coincidence number 4!
Over all the date went well and conversation flowed all evening, in fact we got there for 7pm and the next thing I knew it was nearly midnight.
While he didn't invite me back, he did walk me to the station and we did have a lovely quick snog. I don't know why but out of just under 8 million people in London, I meet someone on facebook with so may things related to my actual life.
We agreed that we'd meet up this Saturday so fingers crossed I get a little more than first base. Although I am worried that while he is an average looking laddish gay man, did all the coincidences make him more attractive in my eyes.
Let's see where this one goes.
putting on a show
8 months ago