Last weekend I went to see Lady Gaga again – I must say the concert had been highly polished since I saw her in Feb and was totally amazing. Anyway I had a spare ticket so didn’t know who to ask. As I’ve been spending a bit of time with Matta I asked him but it turned out he was going with a friend on the same night. Great I though then we can hook up in the concert.
As I’ve also been seeing a bit of Jim-Bow, he has a good coke dealer and we’ve been having some normal dinner and drinks dates and some chem'd sex sessions. So I though I’d see if he wanted to go, which as it turned out was good as he had friends down from Wales who were attending. So I get round to his on bank holiday Monday and we factor in some time before his friends arrive for a good sex session. After that I’m chatting and told him my friend Matta was also going and I was possibly meeting him in the O2 arena. Jim-Bow then asks if Matta is an Italian hairdresser, which I confirm. It only turns out that Jim-Bow and Matta have liaised a few times in the past. Awkward!
I make out to Jim-Bow that I’ve know Matta for a while and he is nothing more than a friend. I get away with this as Matta works across the road from my favourite gay bar so it’s quite conceivable that we know each other. Anyway I know have to manage how I let Matta see me with Jim-Bow in light of this new information, who knew juggle shag buddies would be so hard.
I decide to text Matta and tell him that he knows my good friend Jim-Bow, and as Jim-Bow sings in a choir I make out that I used to sing in the same choir and that’s how we know each other.
Anyway once we get to the O2 Arena I call Matta to say I’m hear, it turns out he was standing five foot away and is shocked to see me with James. He immediately says he’s going to hang with his friend and he’ll call me after the concert to meet up. Jim-Bow had already stated I couldn’t stop over as his friends from Wales were staying over. I was cool with that as I’d already had sex with him earlier in the day.
Jim-Bow was a bit of a damp squid at the Lady Gaga concert and refused to dance, I ended up dancing the night away with two cute American girls, who despite them knowing I was gay insisted in bumping and grinding me provocatively. After the concert there was a mad rush to leave and so I ended up travelling on the tube with Jim-Bow but to my amazement when we got to Stratford Matta was waiting for me.
Jim-Bow said good by and I got away with a quick kiss on the lips- then Matta went off to the off licences for some booze and had a wild night shagging before falling asleep. I had a nice night cuddling Matta and we sent most of Tuesday together which was nice, I’m getting a little soft spot for him and his cocky Italian manner.
putting on a show
8 months ago