Last Friday I needed to be in work for 7am, not unusual and I enjoy commuting into work at that time as the tube is relatively empty. After getting on the tube and settling into my seat the train left and soon came into the next station. As it pulled in I noticed a young cute guy standing on the platform, he should have gotten on the carriage after mine, but to my amazement he ran down the platform to get in my carriage and sat directly across from me.
You know you get a feeling when someone is looking at you, well I could feel his eye staring at me. I looked up and caught his eye and he smiled. God he was young, cute and obviously in to me. I was extremely flattered, but it was 6.30am in the morning and I didn’t really know how I was going to strike up a conversation. He got off at Kings Cross – but as he got up I plucked up enough courage to give him my business card.
Later that evening I received a text from the guy and we entered into a conversation and it turns out he was 25, Turkish and here learning English. I was extremely flattered as he thought I was 27 (ten year younger than I actually am). It ended with us agreeing to meet up on Saturday for a coffee, he was very insistent that he come to mine, who was I to disagree.
On Saturday he came round at 2pm prompt – to be honest with you I though he’d just want to chat as he’d told me he didn’t know any gay people in London and his family and friends did not know he was gay. How wrong could I have been, as soon as I’d shut the door he kissed me, I was shocked but not stunned so continued the kiss. Before long he had my trousers off and was sucking on my cock. He then told me he was top and wanted to fuck me. I told him I didn’t fuck strangers so he insisted I get down on my knees and suck him off. Something I did with great ease as he came in three minutes.
He then got dressed and said he’d like to see me again – I was shocked at how forward this young guy was and said I’d be in touch. Since then he’s befriended me on Facebook and pestered me for another date, I’ve yet to get back to him. Even though this was a quick affair I can only thank him for saying that he thought I was 27, but his directness was slightly off putting.
putting on a show
8 months ago