I’m so confused, the lovely Brummie I met last week has bewitched me, and luckily I seem to have done the same to him. We have been calling, texting and sending pictures all week. He makes me feel all funny weird, like butterfly’s in my stomach just thinking about him. This is so strange and it reminds me how I felt when I first met my ex seven years ago.
But the path of possible true love doesn’t run smooth – my accountant has also declared his strong feelings for me and I honestly like him as well, he is a safe bet for a future boyfriend and he makes me smile so much, but the Brummie is well sexier.
I have such low self esteem that part of me is so flattered to have someone like the Brummie fancy me let alone making me feel all crazy inside. I've even cancelled dates with Jim-Bow and "nice banker" this week due to the Brummie giving me a crazy feeling.
I know that there is distance between me and the Brummie, so is it doomed to fail before it begins? Is my London accountant a safer bet? I’m not seeing the Brummie until the end of the month when we will spend three days getting to know each other, so we will see if these feeling continue or just turn out to be trapped wind lol.
putting on a show
8 months ago