Well I mentioned I'd been speed dating and that it was a fun night - well last Tuesday I went on my first date from the pool of four interested candidates.
It was with a guy called Keith who works in marketing, but he lives in Leeds (a neck of the UK I am more than familiar with) but works in London - one hell of a commute.
Anyway he was 33 and looked fairly handsome. We met in Balans for dinner to which he was 10 minutes late. I wasn't complaining as I've started back at the gym since my op and in just a week my pecs are pumped. I decided to wear a deep v-neck to show my assets off. This didn't go un-appreciated as a guy two tables away was just staring at me all night and even followed me down to the toilet, but he didn't have the balls to chat to me. His loss!
Anyway conversation was easy with Keith, I asked if he'd had any work done as his forehead didn't move and his lips were extremely full for a white man. He assured me that despite his uncle being a plastic surgeon, he remained untouched - I didn't buy that either. I confessed all my work in progress and he was please by my honesty.
Talking of honesty I found out that despite being 33 and deciding he was gay at the age of 24 he's still not come out to his 40 year brother or 80 year old mum - a bit worrying if you are trying to come across as an honest guy?
After a nice dinner that lasted a good two hours due to chat we went to the Yard for a drink. It was obvious from the body language he was into me so we kissed and it wasn't disappointing.
As I was trying to come across innocent I wasn't putting out on the first date, but Keith did ask me how I felt tonight had went. I told him I wasn't looking for an instant boyfriend but wanted to get to know someone and I felt we got on well and would like to get to know him better. I also stated a second date was a must, he agreed on all points. Another horse to my stable.
He walked me to the tube and we parted ways with a promise to hook up in a weeks time. Being me when I got off the tube I sent him a text thanking him for a good night and reaffirmed my interest and hope for a second date.
I was shocked and insulted the next day when I'd not had a reply. It just shows you some men are full of shit. Still my next speed dating date is lined up for Friday so I can't complain.
putting on a show
8 months ago